HAMILTON! aka NYC 2017
I am the AL EX AND ER we are meant to be!
Soooo I'm a huge Broadway fan and towards the end of 2015 I heard about this musical called Hamilton. Everyone in the Broadway fan community was talking about it, I found out it had been created by Lin Manuel Miranda who also created In the Heights, so I figured I'd check it out. So I listened to the soundtrack and immediately fell in love. Went online to look for tickets but they only had some available for early 2016 so I figured I'd wait a little bit until I knew what my schedule looked like and then buy tickets... and guess what happened... THE SHOW EXPLODED! It started winning ALL THE AWARDS, I mean, we're even talking about a Pulitzer! Celebrities wouldn't shut up about it and so the tickets skyrocketed and everything was booked forever! So yeah, you can imagine how upset I was at myself. Anyway, I started keeping an eye out and like the good fan that I am I signed up for the newsletter. I was rewarded on June of 2016 when they released a new block of tickets for early 2017 with a special code for fans. And so that way, I was finally able to get tickets for this show which I wouldn't shut up about. I got a ticket for May 7th, this is a very important and significant date for me. On this day I try to do things that make me happy and help me remind myself about the joys in life and about how lucky I am to be living the life I'm living. So what could be better than watching Hamilton on Broadway!
Needless to say, it was AMAZING!!!! There aren't enough exclamation points to describe it. It was so much better than I expected. Just watching the production live adds so much to what I had pictured from listening to the soundtrack and watching videos online. I highly recommend it! The show is now on tour which means tickets might drop a bit and there are higher probabilities of catching it somewhere other than Broadway or Chicago. You probably aren't a fan of Alexander Hamilton but whoever he was does not take away from the masterpiece this show is. Also recommend you check out the original book by Ron Chernow and the book Lin-Manuel wrote about the show.
Also important to mention, I got lost inside The Strand - one of the biggest bookstores in the US! And by lost I mean, I didn't want to leave and when I finally did, I came out with a significant number of books. It was marvelous [in a Julie Andrews voice]. The rest of the weekend was pretty chill. Walk around NYC, spend time with friends, eat delicious food, and everything that you should always do in NYC ;) Looking forward to my next trip to the city!